
/ Events

Group hike together with the Willitsch group

Group hike to the Tüfelsschlucht near Hägendorf together with the group of Prof. Willitsch! We had excellent weather, found a huge helicopter and had lunch at Schäferstuben Allerheiligenberg. We had a great day and thank Livia for the…

/ Events

Welcome drinks and dinner with the new group members

We caught the last rays of late summer sun at the Hirscheneck to welcome the new members in our group and to share drinks and food with our friends and colleagues from the group of Prof. Willitsch.

/ People

Tristan joins the group as a PhD student

Tristan Blandenier obtained his MSc in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences from the University of Bern, where he performed his MSc research with Prof. Natalie Banerji on the photophysics of organic photovoltaic electron acceptors. Tristan’s…

/ People

José joins the group as a MSc student

José Antonio Merkelj Abi-Fadel is currently enrolled in EPFL’s Molecular & Biological Chemistry MSc program and is joining our group for 12 months to perform his MSc research with us. He will investigate the excited state dynamics of chiral…

/ People

Pieter joins the group as a PhD student

Pieter Brongers completed his MSc studies in Nanoscience at University of Groningen and performed his MSc research with Prof. Maxim Pchenitchnikov on the intrastructural functionalization of light-harvesting nanotubes. Pieter’s PhD project…

/ Research

Optical tables installed in the laboratory

We received the optical tables for our new laboratory and installed them in the lab. The transport was done by Hetramo AG, who did a fantastic job and helped us with the connection of the table modules. Big step forward for the group!

/ Events

Summer conferences

Livia and Malte went to Chirality2023 in Rome and Femto15 in Berlin to present the group’s work on chiral photochemistry and spectroscopy through posters and talks. Malte got the chance to give an invited keynote at Chirality2023, which was…

/ Research

New experiments at LACUS

In cooperation with the Lausanne Center for Ultrafast Science at EPFL in Lausanne, Livia and Malte spent several weeks in their laser labs to obtain new results for the investigation of chiral lanthanide complexes with extremely pure…

/ Research

Laboratory renovations started

After the demolition of the former synthetic chemistry lab, we received a second floor to carry the heavy load of the laser tables. Additional bonus: the electrical and gas connections were placed in the floor and will be accessible…

/ Events

Trinational Conference on Photochemistry, Photopyhsics & Photosciences in Mulhouse

Malte presented the group’s work during an invited talk. Thank you so much for having us, it was a fantastic conference!

/ Events

Christmas dinner

We joined the Christmas dinner of the Willitsch group at Baracca Zermatt to celebrate a successful and exciting 2022!

/ Events

Birthday apéro together with the Willitsch group

With birthdays in both our team and the Willitsch group, we had the perfect excuse for a Friday evening apéro with lots of cheese directly imported from the Swiss Romandie ;-)

/ Research

New experiments at LACUS/EPFL

During the renovation of our lab space at University of Basel we continue our experimental research at the Lausanne Centre for Ultrafast Science (LACUS) at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Through this cooperation we…

/ Events

Excursion to the Rigi with the Willitsch group

Thanks to the physical chemistry community of the Department of Chemistry, our small team is being integrated very well into our new home at University of Basel. On 13 September we joined the Willitsch group on their excursion to the Rigi…

/ Research

New laboratory!

We are officially starting the new laboratory for ultrafast spectroscopy and chiral molecular dynamics at University of Basel! This is laboratory PC 4.01 in the Physical Chemistry Institute, which will be transformed into a state-of-the-art…